
Azienda Agricola Romani Agostino - Via dei Cedri, 19 - 63821 Porto Sant'Elpidio (FM) - P.I. 02180590446




the progect

As a child they asked me: what job do you want to do when you grow up? and I answered "the farmer!" The passion for the countryside is innate and when I went to visit my grandparents who had a small land and a vineyard, I was excited, it was a magical world for me, full of scents, colors, - smiles of nature - and I fell in love with it. Growing up, the dream was put back in the drawer to follow in the footsteps of the family and direct me to economic studies, even if the countryside was always the preferred scenario for photos, motorbike rides, outdoor lunches. I didn't like it because of an intolerance to sulphites, and I didn't even want to see it on the table. Then tasting excellent bottles, I became intrigued to the point of enrolling in sommelier courses. It was the beginning of my second professional life after the administrative interlude, and a wonderful scenario opened up. 1 hectare vineyard.I love Montepulciano and Sangiovese and therefore these native varieties of the region, were the first choices, then I decided to face a more difficult challenge and planted the pinot noir. "Difficult vine that prefers cool areas and higher altitudes, and cultivating it with a southern exposure a stone's throw from the sea, would be madness" my consultant told me. "I like challenges and madness," I replied, and planted it!



The company is located in Sant'Elpidio a Mare, a small village in the Fermo area and occupies the ridges of a gentle hill at 200 meters above sea level, a stone's throw from the Adriatic Sea. sun rays throughout the day and benefits from both sea breezes and cooler currents from the Monti Azzurri to the west. The Montepulciano and Sangiovese plants date back to 2017 while the Pinot Noir was planted in 2018. The vine body it has an intensity of about 3,700 plants per hectare and a planting sixth of 2.7 meters inter-row and 1 meter on the row. %), clay (40.7%) and silt (18.7%) with a very important percentage of active limestone (35.5%) and these values, in my opinion, give the wines elegance and readiness, aromas and structure.The main agronomic phases are carried out with manual practices, for nutrimen green manure is implemented on the soil, phyto-sanitary treatments follow the canons of organic farming with copper and sulfur interventions, thus avoiding the use of synthetic herbicides and pesticides.


the winery

The harvest is carried out manually by company collaborators, with a scrupulous selection of the bunches placed in small perforated boxes and quickly brought to the cellar adjacent to the vineyard. We proceed with the destemming-crushing and the small quantities to be worked allow me to transfer the berries and the must in steel vats with the use of buckets, avoiding the use of pumps and mechanical means that could alter the integrity of the fruit. Alcoholic fermentation is carried out in steel with indigenous yeasts and with a maceration on the skins that varies from 7 to 10 days. After fermentation, the pomace is pressed with a small press in order to gently extract the remaining juice. After the complete drying of the fermentation impurities, the wine is transferred into small oak barrels (barriques), partly new, partly first and second passage, where it will mature for about 16-18 months.

Agricultural sustainability - careful artisanal vinification - reduced production:

are the strengths with which I try to obtain original and intriguing products.